Polls- improved with non-crappy stickers

So it rained stickers on the ground. Call it the “hanging chad controversy of ‘18”. But I bought some more so we should be good.
Hope you enjoy giving out your opinions, it’s all for fun and to get a pulse on the membership.


When I saw the floor, i was pretty sure that all along you’d planned this as a community art project with unwitting contributors, and merely disguised it as a poll. And now you say it was just a case of crappy stickers. Sigh.


The cleaning lady was less impressed with the poll result. While they didn’t stick to the wall … they stuck to the carpet quite well.


Everybody…Don’t forget the Sticker-Less Poll that’s going on until November 2nd. (shameless plug)


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Well, It was good in theory - now we know not to use cheapo stickers I found in the cabinet.

I hope people take a minute to review the results (skewed via the hanging chads) and continue to vote. I’ll take them down next time I’m at the space.

Twice I crawled around to pick them up - tell her I’m sorry.
Sorry guys, lesson learned.

I show this to my students when we talk about the use of patterning. She’s not my favorite (I’m a feisty one) but she knows how to kick it old school. I’m glad she’s getting the “kinda sorta” main stream revival that is most-deserving. This is an older piece.