Starting to lock down places and a bus. Just need to make sure we don’t run into the vast negative financially with this so I’m asking for “fake rsvps” if you will. This is for Saturday February 3rd.
Please respond if you would go - please let me know if you would pay for the bus or you would prefer driving yourself for free.
Dallas is going to be a few trips for sure. Lots to do and realistically I would rather divide it up. I have a long list of places to visit but we can’t hit them as a group all at once.
Estmated trip - right now I have a good price on a school bus at $75 an hour plus mileage $150 to reserve the room at the brewery and that amount would be put towards pizza.
$30-35 (estimated depends on # of people- goes down- logistically 25 would be the cap on the tours) to ride the charter bus (of course you could go but you would provide your own transportation)
Begins around 4p and ends around 10p over estimating time for travel/overlap/general - the bus charges us more based on point to point.
4-5Acme creation lab - Makerspace
5-6Continental Gin building - communal art building
7-8Better blocks - crazy Cnc build to change community
8-10 peticolas- brewery
Maker meetup reserved space with some pizza (of you drive yourself we would ask for a donation for pizza-I don’t know how much right now- or possibly you just order your own delivery) you pay for your own beer we pay to reserve the space and some of the pizza (this is hard to estimate right now to be honest).