While searching for Amateur Radio SIG meetings on the calendar, I noticed about 7 events marked with every conceivable category. None of the events had anything to do with what I was looking for. See, for example, “Strandbeest bike group build meeting numero uno”.
Probably for the best that this doesn’t become a thing.
I think the intention with the Strandbeest event is that it would be a maker wide collaboration from people in different fields, hence all the categories.
That was me.
Were building a bike - could use your help. I’m bringing something that looks pretty delicious.
It’s going to look like this when complete. Come join
I take full responsibility for the calendar and I don’t see that I did anything incorrectly. This is an “all call” to all the areas of makerspace - a general inquiry trying to gather members who want to work on a collective project. I don’t see it as abuse I see it as a difference in the way we are looking at things. After we have this class complete (and if it goes well) I will get an interest group made for the build and minimize any dangling into others calendars - that’s all I can offer for the future.
I hope that more areas create group builds to create dialog, interests, tap into each others talent areas and in general just spice some weekends up. I’m sorry that you didn’t like my actions Zach - we can talk about it when you’re at the meeting tonight over a strange chocolate cake thing.