I get there is cool stuff sitting around in the 3D Lab that has been printed. These are not FREE samples.
We are currently missing 2x Pangolins and 1x planetary gear. Please bring them back.
We show these on the tours.
I get there is cool stuff sitting around in the 3D Lab that has been printed. These are not FREE samples.
We are currently missing 2x Pangolins and 1x planetary gear. Please bring them back.
We show these on the tours.
Did they migrate to the cabinet?
Unlikely, Pangolins have very small home ranges.
since there is still no word from any Pangolins, i am printing 2, one in my favorite color and one in the filament made right here at the space with our own filastruder.
please no one walk off with them, they belong at dms in 3d fab
Pics? Or GTFO . …
you would ask when my phone has 0% life left…
@axeonos Thank you, those are my favorite to pass around during tours also.