I’ve taken the training from Brady and we’ve been trying all day and asking everyone for help…but no one seems to have the IT authority to help us access the application. Please advise at your earliest possible convenience. Thank you.
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How are you logged into the machine?
I have not been at the space today but got calls from a couple of guys that were in my Feb 1 class. I did cover the new domain\username and password in that class. I’m not sure they used that today. Is it possible that they logged into the PC with a personal login and cannot run the PlasmaCAM software?
I’m teaching PlasmaCAM tonight but will not be at the space until a little after 6.
It should work with a LOCAL login. I’ll take a look at it this afternoon
Super Stan comes to my rescue once again!
I’m totally convinced we do not pay you enough. Maybe we could double it!