New to DMS and the forum. Looking to get PlasmCAM training finished.
Wondering if anyone is offering classes outside of the monday 7-9pm slot?
More than happy to compensate for a private session. I have daytime availability if that helps.
New to DMS and the forum. Looking to get PlasmCAM training finished.
Wondering if anyone is offering classes outside of the monday 7-9pm slot?
More than happy to compensate for a private session. I have daytime availability if that helps.
Thank you for your interest in the CNC plasma!
@bpamplin has been doing Tuesdays of late, and @Photomancer might do a daywalker if he thinks there’s enough interest…
We usually steer clear of one-on-one, or for compensation, as that sort of goes against the ethos of DMS, but someone may take you up on it…
Thanks for your interest. I totally agree with @jast. Someone recently posted that required training must be in a scheduled class. I’m not sure it is correct but I will go by it.
I had actually some Monday classes and changed to Tuesday because it was easier to get a classroom. Your suggestion is good, I’ll make a point to avoid Mondays since @jast likes them but my next class will be three weeks or so out.
Three people recently sat in my classes to prepare to teach but I have not seen them post a class. Maybe they will soon… Hint… Hint… Non-Monday would be good.
@jast, thanks for the heads up on the DMS ethos. I’m running blind with regards to DMS culture and tribal knowledge.
Is there a way to set alerts for certain classes in the “events” calendar? I would hate to have initiated a different time slot and then miss the signup.
I honestly don’t know IF an alert can be set, but if so, it would involve knowing things I don’t about using our calendar.
It’s good to have different days of the week and times of day, so no sweat there, but you’re right, I’d hate for you to miss your favourite day, too.
I recommend you turn on your OCD mode and just check events calendar odssesively every day.
I’ll join if someone decides to give a training class.
I’m currently registered for the second November class but that is way to far in the future for my needs.