Please forgive my format and noobness as this is my first post and I do not own a pc.
I am looking for a class or mentor to teach me metal shop. Specifically plasma cutting or etching. I know this is probably annoying to the bets of the group, but I am hungry for knowledge.
Do you mean the new CNC plasma cutting table or the handheld plasma?
The new CNC is still under development and we’re working on the documentation to get the teachers taught so they can start teaching classes. We’re all excited about using it, but I’m doing much of the work so I can’t speak to an ETA.
The handheld plasma is taught as part of the welding classes if the students ask about it, or one on one as needed.
I would love to learn all metalworking inclusing welding but my interest on this post specifically was for learning how to use cnc. Thanks for replying. I am embarassed to ask. Everyone at DMS seems like a genius to me.
I’m happy to teach welding. Just FYI, the welding classes fill up quickly, but you’re in luck as my classes for the upcoming Saturday the 14th just posted and should have enough spots if you want to register for the safety and TIG (either Aluminum or Steel or both).
I’m trying to get enough teachers for welding that I can free up my time to teach other classes as well. I do plan on teaching the CNC plasma when the time comes.
Welcome Noob!! We’ve all been one and Talk is a place to ask questions. You’re doing fine as far as format - you’ve even gotten the category right
The PlasmaCam is new and training is being developed for all of us.