I am sure this will be posted closet to our monthly meeting but I thought
that the more time we have to think is better, I know I keep coming up with
more ideas
This is from Chris who heads up the group looking for a larger space
““In the near future, I will be asking each of the committees to prepare detailed needs; space, utilities, etc. To start your planning – if you were given 50% more space, servicing twice as many members – what would you need? What would your plans be? What would your five-year investment timeline look like?”
So lets all start thinking about all the facets of jewelry and small metals and what toold qand
works spaces we would love to have
Some of the interest areas I quickly see
Wire work
Forming and forging jewelry
Forming and forging small vessels
Hydraulic press work, die forming, pancake dies, stamping
Decorative techniques for jewelry
Lapidary work
Tools that might also overlap other committees, like the resin printer or glass work
Now is the time for us to dream, investigate costs and footprint size, special needs
like power or venting
I know that many of us know a lot about specialty areas and I am sure I missed things
Let s think and talk and dream some