Granted that we do not know how much more room we will have, but it woul
still seem prudent to start discussing what we need to be budgeting for now
Work space is a major issue, I would suggest that an early priority be a couple of regular jewel’s
benches Place them back to back with a light and the flex shaft between them
I would love to see a draw bench A dedicated soldering.annealing stations would be very nice 2 would be nicer
If we have room another one of the 4 seat benches would be nice
We need some more stools and not just more of the lovely looking but not oerly comfy
black stools with artial bacs If you have a larger tuchus like some of us have the nini back throws your weight forward
a plane unpadded stools i more comfortable
Some folks also need seating with back support
What do others want or feel we need to consider<