Planned Upgrades to Community Grid

Before Hadoop, Docker, or Tensorflow. There was one grid computing system that ruled them all…

BOINC. If anyone has ever ran SETI@HOME, Folding@home or nearly any of the @HOME projects then you’ve used BOINC.

Dallas Makerspace has a pool with the world community grid. But as of late not much has been done with that. Which we’ll plan on fixing.

As part of the mandate for the community grid to run BOINC we’ll be deploying the following docker images:


We’ll also be running labs to deploy our own projects using the images provided by BOINC.

We’ll also be working with Infrastructure to build out available GPU nodes for use. The article on Docker for GPU highlights how one can use nVidia GPU’s to power one’s docker cluster. We’ll be sure to tag this part of the cluster with the following labels:

  • ms.dallas.role=gpu_farm

Be sure to set your constraints accordingly. (ie constraints: - ms.dallas.role=gpu_farm)

Further details about docker boinc can be read on thier wiki.

If anyone would like to join in on the lab PM @Team_VCC

For you software guys; you’ll also love this:

A selenium grid deployed to the Community Grid.