Plaeeease take a look at this! Makerwagon

Maker wagon here we come!


Have you asked yourself “why” they retired it if it is “perfect” in every aspect to include having over 200,000 miles on it in just 7 ish years ?

The key question if one were actually pondering the above would be to ask for detailed written service records/receipts of documented maintenance and repairs performed (not the worthless carfax crap either).


I think the big rental companies retire these right at 200K because they know the big repair expenses start at 210K!
Then you see them at budget airport motels with the stickers peeled off and the glue still remaining so you can tell who had it last.

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Didn’t we already try this once?


In fact, I hear that the last such attempt is in something resembling reasonable running condition. Title in hand, owned outright to boot!


AND it’s the 7.3 PowerSmoke instead of the U.N.K petrol…

You left the “J” off of that UNK …

Here is more of a “maker mobile” but I do not endorse it either…


Oh, Dear God!
Where HAVE I left my eye poker?!?
(There’s gotta be a story here; wonder what that is. Why would Decatur ISD be in possession of such a thing, unless there is a story…)

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All I can figure is a class project.

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That one was a class project. They had it at the auto show last year. It also made the news a few times for their shop class.


Sure enough.

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Or just google “project_moab” for yourself.
Apparently it’s been to several shows, and won some awards (I haven’t learned just what, yet).
SHOULD be a helluva media machine for the school, but, as with many good projects that SHOULD garner attention, it’s not easy to get your name out there.
Anyway, THIS is of interest, this story. Not so much the machine (which is fascinating it its own right, but massively diminished without THE STORY, in case any Decatur ISD folks are wondering if they should post the AUCTION to their twitter/instagram, etc. feeds, or, if allowed, their SM feeds to their auction).

Is this the Decatur truck?

Yes it is the Decatur truck and wow 22k!

Good Lord, they ruined at least 3 vehicles to make that.

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And they modeled it using chevy body parts - one would think think they would have opted for better taste…

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The flared nostrils of Ram would have been much more appropriate.

Isn’t that befitting its AM General roots?