Mr. Pamplin does an awesome class on Arduino, I was curious ndoes anyone have the skill set and time to take things up a notch and do some pi training? Seems the next logical step and of definitely something others getting into coding etc would like
Thanks for the very kind complement.
I heartily endorse your suggestion. DMS has many who have the skills to do this but time is another matter. Developing a computer related class open to beginners and moving them through a lecture and lab while keeping it interesting is challenging. I finally figured out DMS folks don’t want to hear me talk about microcontrollers. They want just enough lecture and slides to get them started Making something. (Apologies to those who attended my early classes. Come again, a lot has changed!)
The Pi is a fascinating device and I would think a class every month or two would be well attended given our growth and turnover. One of the more fun times of my career was as a Unix sysadmin so I love Linux. i can give a lot of support to anyone who takes this on. Developing one class would put you well on your way to developing another.
My four microcontroller classes have been presented a total of 14 times in the last 10 months. I furnish all parts except a laptop and limit attendance to eight so I can help everyone. The classes always fill. I would expect any class on Pi or Linux would also be popular. My current interest is microcontrollers with WiFi on board and I will probably develop one or two related classes in the next few months. I may use a Pi in one of the classes but the emphasis will be on the microcontrollers.
@Team_Electronics @Team_VCC
VCC can get something up on the calendar but just depends on what you mean by some pi training. Since the raspberry pi is just an ARM processor SoC pc that runs Debian Linux that makes it rather broad topic that can include Linux CLI/Desktop, Apt/Debian, python, node, bash, docker, gnu build tools, and a wide range from there.
If we’re talking about GPIO and the pinouts / hats for raspberry pi then that’s something I’d look to @Team_Electronics on.
So @Nate could you give us some insight on what your wanting to learn?
@Microrustyc has held classes in the past using RPi.
All the words after your first sentence basically. I would think a classroom type intro to the pi and what some of its uses are and maybe include notes for an interesting first project someone could try? I really don’t know what to ask about because of how limited my knowledge on the subject is. I would think time for that would be better spent teaching more advanced classes for y’all though since this doesn’t seem like a subject that starting from scratch would be feasible
The DFW Raspberry Pi users group has been having a hard time finding meeting locations lately. Reaching out to them might be mutually beneficial.
I got a million questions and text is not the best way to ask. Think you can come out to the VCC sync up event on Wednesday?
I’m not sure but I’ll try and make it.
Jim and I are planning on having an Embedded Workshop for the Google AIY Project. This will include using the Pi and the Voice HAT that comes with the kit. Nice kit just for the Voice HAT. This class will happen after the Bukkit_Minecraft_Server workshop using Linux Lubuntu. Speaking of Arduino we plan on having an Workshop on Arduino under the hood exploring AVRDude and changing fuse settings and using USBtiny or USBasp programmer. This class will be a little advanced and lead to creating your own Atmega328 device using the PCB board you design using Kicad. This class will not happen until I get all the PCB’s that I had made come back on the slow boat from China. I will keep all posted who might be interested.
Brady Pamplin, Your name was given to me by Stan Simmons as someone that knows a great deal about coding Arduino. I am developing a robotic lawnmower and need help on integrating a HMC5883L compass into the code. The plan is for the mower to have 2 modes of operation: 1. Remote Controlled 2. Robotic
The remote control version has been in service for over 5 years. You can view this version at:
I need to add a compass to know when a 90 or 180 degree turn has completed.
Attached is the test Arduino code that I have created to control the 2 wheel chair motors that drive the mower. My contact information is:
Bob Bowie
[email protected]
Here’s the code:
#include <Servo.h>
Servo servo1;
Servo servo2;
int i = 0;
void setup() {
void loop() {
// forward
for (i = 45; i < 46; i++) {
// stop
for (i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
// turn
for (i = 45; i < 46; i++) {
// stop
for (i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
You might want to come up on a Tuesday night if you have the time, and talk to some of the Dallas Personal Robotics Group (DPRG) members. We have several members that have gone down the path of making robot lawnmowers, etc. While we wouldn’t want to engage the mower blade engine inside at the space, the rest of it is fair to work on. The DPRG has it’s Robot Builders Night Out (RBNO) each Tuesday evening, from about 6:30pm until we all get tired. Usually it is held in the interactive classroom (as our hobby smaller robots prefer the hard floor over carpet)
I’m obviously new to the makerspace website. Stan Simmons suggested I get in touch with Brady Pamplin or Rusty (Cain-I think) regarding Arduino code to read an electronic compass (HMC5883L ) that I purchased from Tanner. My contact information is:
Bob Bowie
[email protected]
Thank You!
I called @bobbowie and greatly reinforced @dougemes advice about expertise available at the DPRG Tuesday night sessions. I can probably help with Arduino statements and reading a compass but controlling a robot, especially one with a ~6 hp motor and spinning blade, involves more than just getting a successful compile and printouts.