Pictures of your DMS silkscreen projects

This one has a longer timeframe on it but we will be doing a tool showcase on the silkscreening here at DMS to highlight the making of our shirts by @Robodude919 @talkers @Team_Printmaking

Deadline will be two weeks from today put here or send to my email uglyknees at mac dot com

Your name as you wish to have it attributed
Any links to social media you would like to include
Title of the piece if you have one
Pictures of the process if you have them
End product pictures as you want them seen


Hi Nicole,

I just tried emailing you something but got the following error:

Address not found
Your message wasn’t delivered to [email protected] because the address couldn’t be found, or is unable to receive mail.

Did I get your email address wrong?

Try uglyknees at me .com I don’t know why the other wouldn’t work. Hmmm