Picture Frame classes

Any plans for a picture framing class? I am very much interested in learning.

Interested as well so long as its a class on creating the picture frame. If people want help matting/putting in a frame, I can assist with that.

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Paul Wilson @hardsuit taught a really good “how to make a frame class” quite awhile ago … maybe he would do it again if there was interest?

I’m interested

If Hardsuit/Paul is not available…

Another possible option is making the trek up to my store for an evening of " how to" picture frame, cut mats, glass etc
This would have to be between around 7pm on a weeknight (not a weds) or one some Monday during the day .


I’m up for a remote class.

I am in for the remote class too! Thanks Tom for offering to teach!

Me Too!
Plus some

Several folks from the Space have been to my store for a visit.

Tonight (Monday) a dms member is coming by to get a lesson on how to cut more than one opening in mats for some of his pieces.

This is done on one of the computerized mat cutters at shop.


Keep an eye out for Science’s next Frame a Butterfly class taught by @Josh_Melnick.
Actually make a frame and walk away with a cool item.


I had Josh & Tommy up to show them how those butterfly boxes are made - pretty easy once you make the first one…


Making frames is not a skill I’ve been able to teach myself so it would be awesome if someone would teach this class.

I didn’t realize that the butterfly framing class involved building a shadow box!


Josh’s butterfly class “opens” the door to display other objects that are more of a three dimensional nature.

I built the shadow boxes in “kit” form. The bare assembled frames, pre-cut glass lites, mats, spacers, and back panel. I loan Josh the hand tools to assemble those kits in his class & at the end of the class his students have a nice hand made treasure to take home.

One of these butterfly boxes in the lobby of the DMS in the display case.


I’d like to attend this class well.

Reviving an old thread (if this doesn’t work let me know)

Some Sundays or weeknights after Dec 1st I would be up for offering time to at my store for a do it your self picture frame event for a few small groups of members for NON commercial use i.e. for personal use or as personal gifts - not website sales etc…

For those that may be interested please post here or PM me or talk to me at the Space, or drop by my store after 6pm (with advance notice please).

Maximum size will be limited to 32" x 40" for this event.


I would be interested :relaxed:

Learning to make picture frames was the main reason I wanted to join DMS, here I am 2 years later about to move to Austin and I forgot all about the framing thing!

Anyhow, what I’m saying is that I’m very interested!

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Definitely interested!


When you make the move to Austin, let me know and I’ll give you the names of some friendly frame shop owners that may be willing to work with you.

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I’d be down for heading to your store and learning this skill as well. Thanks for offering this up!