Perhaps the middle of the floor in front of the light switches

Perhaps the middle of the floor in front of the light switches isn’t the best place for what appears to be ad hoc storage. When I came in this morning, none of the shop lights were on. In dim lighting I had to climb over and around this junk to get to the light switches.

Perhaps, placing stuff here on an ad hoc basis isn’t a good idea?

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That may have been done in part because of the leak (and hopefully subsequent repair )?

That, and the fact that this stuff has been within a few feet of their locations depicted in this photo for a long time.

I propose that this 17’ x 17’ area become our first mezzanine storage (or, at least, put some shelves large enough to hold pallets in there).

Walter feel free to put a sign up on the lights, there is really no reason to turn the lights off.

I can put one up when I get back if there is not one.

Well it is not like most of our members actually read the signs we currently have! :grin:


Leaving all the lights on doesn’t seem very efficient. Pick the the switch that turns on the lights that best lights the path to the switch panel and blue tape it in the on position. We all do like that blue tape, right??

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Nah, we should design a system that detects the rfid at each of the three doors and automatically turn on the lights. Then dual use the security cameras as motion detectors and turn off the lights (and appropriate equipment) when no one is in the shop. And all of that should be cross linked to the maker manager system. And you know what would be a really good addition… :grinning:


Nope. Must…use…blu…tape…(think Nomad ‘Must analyzzzzze’)


Nomad would have a field day at DMS…

JAG “Must Sterilize Imperfect Members” MAN

P.S. You must be familiar with the original Star Trek episode: “The Changeling”

My fear is that so many of us use blue tape to indicate repair required that an electrician would get called out.

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The ancient prescription for avoidance of repair personnel is fairly simple: “Yay shall ye nawt inscribe upon tape of blue insideous verses of curses generic, and thereby be dammed the flow of fixits!”

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There are actually covers that screw in place using the switch plate screws that prevent unwanted access to switches

Much too simple a solution for us

@wandrson if ya wanna do it…


Nah, those are too simple. I think the quality of a solution is directly proportional to its complexity… :smile:

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With the inscription, “This is a Power On Switch” on it…


Meh. I just wanna change all the switches over to these:


I’ve printed the open cover before (where the switch was for an electrical outlet that should never be off). It was fairly effective but still did allow the switch to be toggled. This lockout cover ( ) would prevent the switch for being toggled (without the aid of a screwdriver).

-the purring dork