I wondered what pen making accessories we have, and where they might be stored?
I’m guessing that somewhere we have mandrels, probably a couple pen drills (sizes?) I think I once saw a Jorgensen hand clamp that had been notched to hold a pen blank upright during drilling? And for assembly, do we have a pen press or do we use the drill press?
Mostly kept in drawers/cart marked “Jet Lathe” on top. Usually stationed near the Jet Lathes. In theory everything one needs to make a pen, except the specific pen kit you may want to use. Best of luck…
We have a 7 mm drill for the standard slimline for sure. We have the bushings for slim line and a few other random bushings. We have the pen press, and we have plenty of pen mandrels.
We also have the barrel trimmer to level the wood with the blank. Be careful with drilling as I have ruined countless blanks in the last month during these steps, I’m close to giving up on pens.
3 Barrel Trimmers. These have interchangeable bits for different diameter barrels. Usually one for the 7mm is loaded. As of Tuesday, the other 2 did not have bits installed. But we have a box of barrel bits in the box with the other bits.
Use these with a handheld drill. The wonderful new drill press over powers it. Generates too heat and breaks the bonds of the CA and wood, or over-trims.