Peachy $100 3d printer, and $60 liter of resin

I’m curios about it, and I may get one out of curiosity when they are available, but at $60 per liter of resin thats too expensive to use for much more than art.

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As cool of a concept as it is, the quality isn’t that much better than FDM printing. I’d rather spend the money to get a resin printer that has a very smooth <50 micron resolution so I can use it for casting and figurine making. I do want to see one work though when they start shipping.

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Rules of life

a47. You get what you pay for.


They have an educational angle, that may be worth exploring. maybe discounts or what ever else.

It could be a way we could get into resin SLA printing at the space.

look at their gallery… some are smooth, others are very noisy. I’m thinking they arnt anywhere near going to production with them.
peachy gallery

looks really interesting and wacky to me atm… and kinda flimsy.

I backed this project, and am for one really excited. I don’t suspect it’ll outperform a Form 1, but the results it seems to be getting for a $100 base printer is ok by me. They just finished finalizing v1.0 of the hardware and it sounds like they should be shipping sometime around September. One thing to note is that in a lot of the test prints, what appears to be layering is actually various noise in the way the laser is tracking. Each update they seem to be sharpening the precision and removing sources of noise in the laser pattern, and some of the more recent ones (the rocket in particular) have a very glassy finish. Apparently they’ve been printing with 100 layers per mm. They also just replaced the analog audio circuit with a fully digital one and are including I/O pins to make hacking easier. I think with a few tweaks the base printer can be turned into something really cool.

And if not, hey, it was only $100! XD