@Draco - I appreciate you suggesting sensor placement is important. I assumed pointing it at the wall in the opposite direction of the entry path would get the job done. Thank you for your feedback.
@hon1nbo - thank you for the feedback on using an ultrasonic sensor. Would you also have feedback for my question of swapping out the PIR sensor with the alarm outputs on an IP Camera using motion sensing to trigger an event? Using the IP camera, I get far better range, accuracy and precision for sensing the motion.
@Draco - thank you for clarifying Talk is not intended to be a HelpDesk. My question did ask for help on how to use the item as it’s intended, but more of a Maker style question of how to replace a component, e.g., replacing a PIR sensor with an IP camera using output pins to communicate triggered events.
@Diplomat - Thanks Steve. We used double sided sticky tape in the past on the kitchen counter. It worked phenomenally well…but then ruined the counter top when we tried to remove it. It’s hilarious to watch them get surprised when they accidentally step on it.
@zmetzing - thank you for your material contribution to the discussion. Could you also offer feedback for my question of how to replace a PIR sensor with the with the alarm outputs of an IP camera using motion sensing to trigger events?
@kbraby - You are not wrong…except for the portion that implies “typical” means “everyone”. And, as I made my initial snarky reply to @Draco, I contemplated the response I would get and assumed the risk of turning off those who might actually help.
I hoped I would find others to join my cause in expressing the opinion that when you reach out to the community for advice or help, it’s often irritating and unhelpful having people reply with answers that don’t address the question…it’s also a little rude and disrespectful…at that point, your selfishly using the discussion for your own purposes. Often times the replies that are attempts at humor (or even just showing one’s rear end) are taking the conversation off topic, which then your just wasting the author’s (and readers’) time. If you don’t want to help answer the question, pass it up instead of trying to be funny. It also deters us who want to help or offer assistance because the conversation gets lost with all the off-topic replies.
So… all that being said, I’d appreciate help with my question. I also understand if my monologue turned off those who might be able to help, and that’s okay as well…
Original question: “Is there an easy way to replace the leads on a PIR sensor by using an IP camera to complete the circuit? Or will I need a micro controller, having the micro controller compete the circuit while listening or looking for output from the camera?”
Additional clarifying information - I’m not interested in using water to wet the cats, electricity to shock the cats, trying additional ways to re-position the sensor, trying again to point the sensor directly at the cat, checking to see if the batteries are working, ensuring the cans have pressurized air or euthanizing the cats. And if you’re response is to challenge my clarifying questions to show how you are more clever than me, I challenge your self-restraint to keep from submitting your reply
And I fully expect the challenge to fail…prove me wrong!!!