Just came across this title…I only get to come to the space about 4 times a year. I have yet to really use anything.
When I signed up almost two years ago, I was really excited. My excitement eroded quickly when I learned that the space is not easy for new members, and difficult for occasional users. I even offered to help with signage to assist, but other’s interests in making the space easy for new members was non-existent.
Each time I come to the space, the item I want to use is out of service or broken (laser, car lift, warehouse doors, internet, router table, 3D printer etc.)…glad someone else feels my pain. I’m attempting to get “re-certified”(?) on lasers as well this summer…and get certified on the wood CNC. But if I continue to get no benefit from my membership, I will likely pull my membership (plus the extras I’ve over-donate to consumables) and become an “as-needed” member; but even then, I doubt I’d be able to get my card reactivated to do something for a paid month. The last time I needed help with my card (left it at home), I was told to start a help ticket and it would be two or three days. I don’t think that person realized I was a current member for over a year and knew they had access to the system (while they were on their laptop)…so much for being excellent to one another.
So we’ll see. I’ll stick around until the end of November…if it doesn’t get any better for the occasional user, I’ll pull my funds; but if I’ve learned anything reading this forum, no one will care about the loss…in fact, someone will likely say something inappropriate or rude. It almost feels like MakerSpace exists for only a few people to enjoy the nice parts of it, and that membership drives are only to bring in a few more people to help pay the bills while hoping they don’t learn to use the equipment…I know that’s not everybody. Diplomat, Rhodes, Vector, Benjamin are a few people I’ve had the pleasure of meeting…but even as the uber volunteers that they are, they can’t do everything…but at least they are polite.
I don’t want to be the kind of member that only gives the monthly membership when I need to come…I want to feel good about donating to something; but for $720/year, I can buy my own tools, outfit my garage pretty well, and not pay the gas and tolls to get here, just to be disappointed that something else is broken or out of service…and then to be chided for not volunteering to do more.
Yes, it’s a volunteer organization…and I’m tired of being reminded of that. I am volunteering my money every month. And I’m a good member too. I don’t cause any damage, I cause little to no wear and tear, and I clean up other people’s messes…and while I’m working, while travelikng for business, while attempting to obtain a degree, I have no extra time and all I can do is donate my money…and if that’s not enough of a volunteer effort for people, I can take it away.
That’s my rant…thanks for reading it…