The ipad was locked out the other day when i was in to use the TIG. Is there another way i can pay for my usage? Side note if a station is down is there any way to pay from ither stations?
You can pay with something known as Cash. Putting it in an envelope and marking what it is for. Not being snarky with this comment - I’ve talked with several people at the space that the concept was just alien to them.
Hopefully it will be back up. Was it reported down?
Thanks for telling us and how you tried pay.
Thanks for the heads up, I’ll ping the person who handles ours. The power strip it was on failed often and when it runs out of battery it doesn’t boot back to kiosk mode. I just replaced the power strip last night and forgot to check it.
What is this “cash” you speak of?
This is stock footage. Couldn’t find pictures of it out in the wild.
We currently do not have a system in place nor are we charging for TIG gas.
cash? that sounds like a liberal conspiracy.
If I had something other than yuppi food stamps in (IE $20s from an ATM) that would be an option. Don’t always have exact change.
I was unaware. I assumed that since we started charging for MIG gas, we were doing the same for TIG. Good to know.
Did something change recently? I was always taught (and taught in the classes I held) that we charged the same cost/time for tig as mig.
Cost for MIG covers gas and wire.
No, Nothing has changed. We have never charged for Argon. In the commitee meeting that this was discussed the discussion was that the argon was trivial compared to what we use on the mig. There is more consumables being used for MIG than TIG. I’m not saying we wont start in the future but at this time it is how it is.
I was mistaken. You heard it from the Vice Chair, it’s free!
Don’t ask any more questions lol.