Parts washer maintenance and note to the asshat(s) that were unexcellent

Ok automotive guys/gals/thems, you SHOULD dust-off scrape off excessive dirt/sludge before throwing them in the parts cleaner. At bare minimum if you are the dirty B that throws super dirty parts in the parts washer…CLEAN THE SOCK AND UNDER THE GRATE!

It was OBVIOUS the asshat(s) in question knew they did wrong as the pump was losing pressure as it cavitated, almost immediately! That is how I knew.

Here is a tutorial from this morning.

  1. remove the brushes etc from the chamber.
  2. hang the blow gun and spray hose out of the front of the chamber.
  3. tilt the steel grate back and maneuver it out of the system.
  4. loosen the wing nuts on the sock retainer
  5. rotate the sock retainer out of the way
  6. use your fingers to pull the sock straight up.
  7. turn the sock inside out over a trash can to get bulk of the sludge out.
  8. take the sock to a sink with a sump on the drain…cleaning closet or where ceramics cleans up.
  9. clean the sock and then turn it inside-out and clean it again……ITS WHITE’ISH.
  10. replace it back into its hole on the parts washer.
  11. replace the sock retainer back into place
  12. tighten the wing nuts
  13. maneuver the grate back in place
  14. test the unit by running it for 60s continuously. If it loses pressure repeat the process.

If you remove the grate and see the cleaner….the sock is likely dirty.

This sludge shows the asshat(s) cleaned excessive amounts of crap in the washer

This is a closeup of the sock and sock retainer

This is how much sludge I pulled from the sock….showing the asshat’s negligence….it was a clean box in a trash can before I dumped the sock sludge into it.

This shows the sump under the sink in the cleaning closet

This is a reasonable expectation of a clean sock

This is the sock and the sock retainers replacement into the washer

This is a reasonably clean parts washer under the grate


While I don’t like the harsh wording (though I understand), I appreciate the great writeup! Thank you for doing that and documenting the steps

If folks aren’t aware of how to maintain a piece of equipment and it begins to misbehave, please post here on Talk. We definitely appreciate being made aware of an issue, as most people get cranky if they need to perform maintenance before trying to get their own projects done :slight_smile:


I suggest that you print out your routine maintenance list/procedure, laminate it, and stick/hang it to the side of the parts washer. Photos are also helpful, or a link to a Youtube tutorial.

I could very easily see someone acting/neglecting-to-act out of ignorance – not laziness or malice.

Even a simple vinyl-lettering sign like, “Clean parts washer under-grate and sock after use,” would help.


Well, Ignorance IS bliss…but only for the ignorant.

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