Please put your last name and the date of your request in the title. One person per request please. Requests without all information cannot be completed.
Your name: Dawn Paradise
Your Talk ID: dawnparadise
Please put your last name and the date of your request in the title. One person per request please. Requests without all information cannot be completed.
Your name: Dawn Paradise
Your Talk ID: dawnparadise
Please bear with us. Maker Manager can’t find your member status …
Are you a primary, or an add-on member?
I think I’m an add on member with our family membership… my husband would be primary- Jchon paradise
@StanSimmons - I can’t seem to find her in Maker Manager. A glitch, perhaps?
I found Johon, but it looks like he hasn’t registered her as an addon yet.
I have no idea when your membership was updated, but now that I see that it is, I’m added your green dot.
Sorry for the delay. There’s nothing automated about this system.
Welcome to DMS.