So please, talk down to me. I have (roughly) zero woodworking talent, skills, wisdom, or knowledge. There are a few things I know:
- I have a project to complete, which needs painted to a smooth, glossy finish
- The species of wood which will be used is poplar (done been bought, can’t go back, it’s happening)
- the sections I tested with “Behr Multi-surface Primer & Sealer” (water based, interior/exterior) raised “nibs”, so I get the impression I’m doing this wrong, or it’s going to be a LOT more work sanding than I have the impression others do.
- I’m not spraying this. It’ll be rollered/brushed.
So I’ve read tons of advice on painting poplar to a smooth, glossy finish, and it appears to be almost religious, in that everyone has their experience, and only it is “right”. But unlike the CoLDS, nobody wants to tell you THEIR recipe. They’ll hint “use oil primer.”, “don’t use oil primer.”, “use only Zinnser primer.”, “Killz is the only primer to use.” ad nauseum, and generally in contradiction to the last thing I read.
So I guess I’m asking for more abuse. Tell me what you do to get smooth, glossy finish on poplar. Like I’m a 4 year old. Seriously. Your instructions cannot be too elementary.
Thank you for your time.