Fed ed delivery than a buch for dots………………………………………get rid of the 15 and 59 characters
Someone plz grab a cart and move the pkgs to the Commons Rm. Put on tbl across from mail slots.
I think we should stop piling packages up on that table; it’s meant as a work table, not for long term package storage which is what it’s been doing of late. There’s room under the mail slot table or next to it instead.
Strongly disagree.
Under the table - out of site, out of mind. I’ve seen pkgs languish there for days / weeks followed by a “where’s my order?”.
Yes it’s one end of the work table. Observation shows it’s rarely used as such.
We do need a better system for taking care of deliveries and pkgs. Pkgs sometimes end up in interesting places requiring someone to do face time with our camera system to track them down.
They are languishing for weeks on the table anyway Art. We can train people to not leave things on tables in the common room.
Don’t think this happens that often. Maybe encourage Chairs to check more often after they place orders. Or have someone in their committee check.
As I stated above - there needs to be a better way to handle all this.
(one of the issues - and not blaming anyone who helps order because there’s a lot of requests - is that there’s oftentimes names on there that I don’t recognize and/or generic names or no names at all (just Dallas Makerspace), which can make it really hard to hunt down people. It might be worth requiring the main name to be the committee or officer packages fall to. )
How labels are done varies with the vendors. I’ve set up addresses in Amzn with the committee’s name. Vendors that I have a tax exempt accnt with use my name. Some allow the shpng address to be changed, others don’t.
I see using the tbl as a non issue and will continue to place pkgs there. Maybe we should consider removing some of the rarely / never used stations that have limited capabilities. On the floor is inconvenient and not a good idea.