C’mon, Amazon,get with the program:
Lol. My company does much more than that. They will have usually 3 boxes & packing before you get to the part. I think our folks do it that way is if the box breaks open, you don’t loose a part, or at least not as likely.
If packed by Amazon a computer tells the packer what size box to use. It’s my understanding they have an agreement with shippers to use certain size boxes so they load into the trucks easier and therefor get a break on pricing. Also, standard sizes make it easy to load and unload carts as they move around the fulfillment centers. Knowing amazon, if if were cheaper to do otherwise they would. While I think most people would think “why not a long narrow box?” well lots of irregular boxes become a game of Tetras when loading.
Oh, well if it’s a computer, then OK. They are almost always correct.
AI is wonderful and will make our lives better… maybe someones life in the future.
All Hail!!