Happy Thanksgiving.
I did a cold saw tutorial after the sherline class last night. I used up the last of the pre-mix refilling the cold saw. It was late so I didn’t try to remix some more. So if someone doesn’t mind, could you mix up a new batch this week. thanks!!
Want me to order 2X5gal concentrate?
that’s probably a good idea. there is enough left to make another 5 gals of premix and then we’ll go empty. seems to be betting a lot of use in the lathe and coldsaw.
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Back ordered 2 - Temp out of stock. Will ship when they have.
I think we should consider mxing at 15:1, that’s 6.7%. I think recommended is 5%-10%. The watere evaporates so adding 15:1 is probably leaving it above 8%.
At 15:1 one gallon makes 15 gallons for the Cold Cut saw and Clausing Lathe.
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I think water will suffice for the meantime. The concentration level is probably high enough.