Original Form1 for Sale

I’ve got a friend wanting to sell his Form1 SLA printer. This is an original Form1 (and not the Form1+ they currently sell). It’s working, it just doesn’t have all of the upgrades of the Form1+. He’s wanting $1000 for it.

If you have any interest, send me a PM and I can put you in contact with him or forward questions etc.

@LisaSelk Any considerations for this deal? Could we setup maybe special training or have a buy your own platform and resin deal instead of DMS supplied resin since it’s expensive?

I think the “Makerjuice” resin works with the form1.

If this deal falls through maybe the Peachy Printer actually turns out decent or maybe we can try to build our own cheap DLP uv-resin printer.

This would be something that we would need to have a ‘group buy’ for. I would totally love to have a resin based printer; but, for our immediate needs, we really need to focus on reliability and support. Thanks for pointing it out though! :slight_smile:

Thoughts… a resin based printer will definitely need venting. It is acrylic based and the fumes will definitely mess with your head.