We are a welcoming community workshop focused on making and educating. On Oct 6th, from 10am-6pm, the world is welcomed to see what we offer. Come visit and be inspired.
Be really cool if we make exactly 2000 members in the next week or so!
We are 1989 and 12 days to go. We are very likely to make it sometime during the next week or possibly hit 2,000.
There is no way to tell accurately who is #2000 but we can celebrate we reached 2,000. And all members at that time are contributing equally to reaching that number.
Damn … I gotta go make some glasses to hand out
1989 members at 8:30pm
I understand it is way too late this year, but next year we may want to make sure this is not scheduled on the same day/time as the TX-OU football game. While many makers don’t follow sports, this is the biggest college football game of the year for most Texans, so we may be hurting our potential turnout. Just a thought. I would like to be at open house but I’ll be at the game.
This scheduling is a problem for me, ugh!
U.T., Class of ‘93
There should be plenty of time after the game for people to come to DMS. We can have the game on the monitors earlier if that’s an issue.
Fans are not going to want to try and watch the game while also touring DMS. The game is at noon so I don’t think you will get many OU-Tex fans by this date. Just giving my 2 cents so we can schedule around the game next year.
Good idea for next year then.
<sarcasm> Are we sure that either UT fans or OU fans are the type of folks we want to attract to the space? They ALL seem mentally devoid to me… </sarcasm>
Raymond has a well attended “Not Super Bowl” event each year. So maybe more sarcasm.
…this 20 character limit detracts from my simple “Boomer” post.
I am SO not going give this a ‘like’.
They were not too receptive about rescheduling this year’s event. I will talk to them about next year’s “game”, as we have serious fun going on here.
Is there a consolidated list of demos or events?
I’ve only seen the one @uglyknees is keeping for CA.