Open House Flyers? (Jan 24)

Do we have any flyers printed up for the Open House later this month? I have a few places that I’d place them at if we do…

Paul W.


Because of my work schedule, I don’t get to attend the PR Meetings, so I’m not sure who is handing the design and printing of the fliers for the Big Open House… Maybe Steve (@Diplomat) can give us some insight? I’m wanting to have a couple to place at work 'n all, too! :smile:

I’m seconding this, I’d be happy to put some up at school.

They will be ready later this week.

PR Meeting is tomorrow night @ 6:30.

I am pretty horrified that 2 months has passed since the Nov 8th scheduled
open house.

This event is coming up quickly.

I will leave a stack of flyers in the lobby to distribute as possible.



I’ve been thinking about your invitation to present at the Open House. What kind of time commitment would that require?

I might ask Texas State Technical College if they would like to make a presentation on behalf of the Laser Committee on that day. They offered to help us last year, and the Open House looks like a good time to take them up on the offer.

@ Richard

What are they going to do?

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I don’t know. That’s something I would have to work out with them. They offered to lend us equipment. I would like to see if they have any kind of demonstration material already prepared.