Open house 2019

Are we panning on doing our annual Open House this year? I have not heard anything about it, we should be promoting it already & the committee’s working on items for it.

Or are we going to forgo it this year?

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@Team_PR - Probably need to discuss this soon! We REALLY need to focus on this to grow our ranks.

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During his How to Enter the State Fair of Texas Arts Competition class, @mrjimmy was saying that we won’t be having an open house this year due to expansion being on-going.

Typically the 10x10 Show supports the Open House. In lieu of 10x10s, James had the idea that we should all enter the Fair competition and get group tickets for a Maker’s evening at the Fairgrounds.

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Seems to me that showing that we are currently expanding would be a good thing during an Open House. Plus the last few years Open House served as a GREAT motivator to clean things up in preparation.


Understood. Just passing on my understanding.


I’m fine with the idea of showing off our construction mess, if the messaging is crafted, worded, communicated clearly, and with lots of easy visuals about what the new DMS will look like.

Would be great if we could get a virtual fly-through of the new Space on all our monitors if we were to actually consider an Open House this year.

And there’s no reason it has to be in Oct.

But it’s not my call alone…

We have options. Paging @Team_PR

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I’d like to hear from @richmeyer a little as well. If our current schedule has us in a heavy construction mode, then (IMO!) it may be best to delay.

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I think that if we have some nicely printed signage, such as “Pardon Our Dust, We are Expanding”, in the various construction areas that it would be a positive indicator.


We do have a number of Volunteer Opportunities that would make an Open House much more inviting.