Oodles of stained glass

There’s a veritable treasure trove of stained glass sheet, solder, came, etc. for sale locally. Seller doesn’t want to split it up so anybody interested in partnering either personally or as stock for some stained glass classes? Legit like 800 sqft

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would love to but I have the same issue. too much supply and no need for it.

How much money are we talking about? Any ideas? Where is the glass located?

I’m interested in going in with someone on this depending on the cost.

I am also. Let me know what the cost is and I’ll let you know if I can assist with the purchase. Many times the seller wants what they paid for the glass. I have quite a collection of glass, lead and tools already, but all glass is unique so I’m interested in checking it out, especially if there is antique/hand blown glass in the collection.

When I worked in Israel I met an artist that did fused glass jewelry, I’ve got a bunch samples I show people. Sold about 100 or so, ask me when you see me if here today. Below are a few:examples:


those are just fantastic.

If you’re letting it go cheap we have need

@Julie-Harris and @coloneldan they want $500…I can’t access personal email at work but it’s in the metroplex. If you PM me your email I have pics from the guy of what he’s got. It’s stained glass supplies so I doubt it’s anything hand blown. I have one kid that does stained glass in my program and she can only use so much…anything else would be makerspace classes or your personal. He’s just not interested in splitting it up and selling off a small lot.

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