Old, old DC Power Supply on the electronics storage shelf

I notice that there is a very old 40 volt 20 amp power supply on the storage shelf that obviousy needs work. I, and others are interested in anodizing aluminum, and I think this supply might be a good match for the process. I am willing to check it out and repair it if feasable, if we can use it.

Before we go down the path of anodizing aluminum there are many environmental concerns that need to be considered.

When I met with the Carrollton environmental people I brought it up and there will be hoops to jump through to do it properly. If we get owners I will work with them and the environmental people to make sure everything is by the book.

Honestly though, with the cost and chemicals involved it would be easier to pay someone to do your one off project…but if the want is there, I will not stand in its way.

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Funny you should think it was appropriate for anodizing. We were keeping it around for that and electroplating but as Alex points out we have a current environmental challenge.

Of all the "electrolytic’ metal finishing methods, aluminum anodization is the most benign. The anodizing bath is dilute sulfuric acid, and the only “fumes” emitted are hydrogen and oxygen. The sulfuric acid is available as a drain cleaner at ace hardware, so disposal is not an issue. There is also a dilute nitric acid dip for cleaning, quite common for a lot of home jewelry operations. Again disposal is not at issue as it can be neutralized with washing soda (walmart), resulting in dilute solution of sodium nitrate.

There is significant interest among the jewelry makers. I have a book that you can look at.