Came in this morning to do a little work and was greeted by shelves full of hidden half full containers of all sorts of used fluids
Ended up taking 3 plus gallons of … to be recycled.
Sure would be nice if you took home the fluids you drain at the Space
Not cool to toss any car fluids or filters into the land fills
Every Autoparts store I know if will take back oils and filters.
Call around and most repair shops will also take it for the standard recycling fee
Good find!
I figure lubrication, even on the lowly rail car, is serious business, actually. What was likely whale oil at some point is now probably pretty high tech. Low friction for improved economy. Highly sticky for longer life. I bet there are chemical engineering teams that have put their quintet of offspring through college making it “just right”. And a current generation still doing it. Synthetics are nifty, interesting things in the lubrication world, and getting better all the time…
O’Reilly will take filters that still have oil in them- it just gets dumped into the collection tank before they drop the filter in the 55 gallon drum full of filters. Not that there’s much reason for your filter to be full of oil.
Unless you’re like me, and don’t bother to go to drain your oil until you have a 5-gallon bucket full of old oil and used filters. They have a screen in the oil bin for that.
I really like that they (and auto zone, etc) perform this service. I don’t know if they are required to do so, but it sure makes my life easier and I feel better knowing (or at least believing) that oil is being disposed of properly.
Marketing. They pay a nominal fee to oil disposal companies like SafetyKleen to come and drain their oil bins, and in return they can say to the general public “hey we recycle oil, come on in and dump it for free!” And while you’re in there dumping your oil for free because it’s better for mother gaia than leaving it in your hated neighbor’s yard, maybe you buy some scott towels or a nicer oil pan or some degreasing hand soap. Even just the 89-cent Gojo-brand handwipes, which have among the highest profit margins in an auto parts store.
You’re a lot more likely to make a purchase, if you’re in the place where you can make purchases.
I am very happy that you checked your fluid level (and your diff is too). That cocktail is better than no or low fluid.
Let me know when you get the bearings and seals(left and right) and gear oil and we will set a date to knock out that leak. Does your rear diff cover use a real gasket or is it the typical sealant in a tube ? If a gasket or O ring - get one of those too.
Did you check the level or the front diff?
You serviced the transfer case a couple weeks ago right?
My wife’s Mazda 6 has one headlight you change from the engine compartment and one you change by turning the front wheels, removing the screws in the fender liner, and reaching up in there.
The closest place to DMS to recycle oil that I know of is O’Reilly’s at 1840 Josey Lane close to the intersection of Valwood Pkwy. They keep their recycling tank in the back, you have to ask where it is.