October CA Committee Meeting Notes October 11, 2018

CA October 11

Lets see if I can get the colors right this time - red are my notes and actions

Link to powerpoint: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1rsvjt-awak2TUhuSLBATX0QF-Nq9R60LUBwgdM1zgdQ/edit?usp=sharing
Link to google: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WxVQSiCZnNgRqSb0u6JMcBE5qPTqMgQrAStCLCsV5X4/edit?usp=sharing
Moved to Lecture Hall because of turnout thank you Astrud

In Attendance:
[color=red]Jayson Woods @engpin
Laurie Ruggles @Mizgeek
Tommy Thomas @tomthm
Stephen Lecheler @hasteur
Steve Wynne @lordrook
Chuck Barber @dr_cee
Cindy Holkan @sinless
Cary Fleming @caryF300
Jorge Soto @webdevel
Linda Wynne @classielassie
Matt Hawes @matthshooter
Shay Galland @barkingchicken
Angel Romeo
John Kraemer @JKramer
Astrud Aguirre @Print_Witch
Chris Marlow @John_Marlow
Paul Wilson @Hardsuit
Stephanie Webb @heyheymama
John A. Gorman @talker
Shabbir Degani @ShabirDegani
Nicole Franczvai @uglyknees[/color]

Reflection on Open House (October 6th)
How did we do?
[color=red]Overall we did really well with demos around the clock
Is it more valuable to do a make and take or just a demo of a technique discussion
Need for redefining the “everything that doesn’t fit somewhere” definition of CA (work with PR and tours)[/color]
Trifold & Card - things to fix
[color=red]Needs a generic Dallas Makerspace email attached to card
Put a date on everything going forward[/color]
What did we learn?
[color=red]Value of time, the power of handing off people to one another [/color]
What do we want to change for next time?
[color=red]Find better ways to draw people back to CA[/color]

Reflection on Clean Up Day (October 2nd)
Big thank you
What did we notice?
[color=red]Stashes of stuff
Lots of personal storage [/color]
What norms need to be stressed?
[color=red]Clear indications of where to put things back, inventory[/color]
What are the reasons things aren’t put back?
[color=red]Reminder of rules[/color]
How can we create an environment of putting things back/tidying up?
[color=red]Signs and indications, stations, more room will help, Shay hates the cubbies[/color]

Kiosk report (income)
September $242.50 received (54 transactions) $173 of that was vinyl
Seems low but we need to compare
Where are we as now
$29,764.79 (As of September 10, 18)
Estimating costs for move
Needs- what we know

  • building the bowling table (Malcolm)
    Metal costs estimated $200-500
    Bowling alley wood FREE (thanks to Alex Rhodes)!!!
    Voted and Approved to set aside up to $500 to build the 2nd table (after move)
  • cabinetry for fibers (not expensive)
    Estimate $150 to be safe
    Voted and Approved on $150 to buy a fibers cabinet (after move)
  • Rolling cart for Dye Sub
    $250 plus shipping (Uline) two choices for rolling cart
    Voted and Approval of up to $500 spending to outfit Dye Sub
  • sewing room (Matt)
    [color=red]Will get report together for November
    We were gifted some free tables from the Expansion team[/color]
  • flat files for Leather
    $350 from Tom
    Voted and Approved $350 to Tom Tansey for flat file @TLAR

Sig Reports
Fibers: Jeannie
Floor loom $450
Floor loom extras
Shelf system
Looking at the layout proposed by Jeannie
Voted on an Approval of the purchase of the floor loom will be held until move at the fibers store (purchase in October)
Leather: Jorge and not Steve
Rotary tools specifically for leather
[color=red]Cary Fleming will be donating a flex shaft for leather[/color]
Dye Sub: Cary
$1099 Dye Sub 3D Vaccum Box & $169 Sawgrass Bypass Tray
Voted and Approved for purchase (purchase in October)
[color=red]Not present no report[/color]
Drawing/Painting: Ray
[color=red]Not present no report[/color]
Sewing: Matt
[color=red]Will have report November[/color]
Vinyl: John

Selling things
Official word
Jayson Woods is the contact for putting things on the kiosk
Storage * as of right now hold off
Taxes need to be worked into purchasing
Jorge is going to learn about the kiosk from Jayson

Buying things
Review any purchases above $500 for the next month
Matting and framing items Tommy $400
Approved to purchase from Tom Tansey
Sticker machine from Chris M $2000
Not approved wont be purchased
Matt wants a industrial sewing machine now that we had $2000 free
[color=red]Tabled till November[/color]

Vote on pre-authorization amounts with SIGS
[color=red]Passed up for time[/color]
Filming with Adnan and Dallas Film Society
Anyone willing to volunteer?
[color=red]Passed up for time[/color]

Spending poll results
On talk people polled wanted to spend on “printer & industrial sewing machines”& wanted to invest in “leather and vinyl”

Printer Update
Propose timeline
What the poll is telling us so far - all over the place
Agree on width today
[color=red]No vote on width tonight
Formation of Printer SIG: Leader John A Gorman
Printer Purchase SIG will meet in October and report back in November[/color]

Organizing the “Digital Room”
[color=red]Meeting exhausted and out of cookies, we decided to move this till November[/color]


Updated the wiki with the notes and also the powerpoint (not that it really matters but still)

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