October 22nd Makerspace Pot luck

Ok guys I just put a pot luck on the calendar for 6:30-8:30 on the 22nd in the interactive room.
Let’s discuss.
I will come up with a sign-up sheet. Let’s get together!


I notice that you scheduled it across the regular tour night. Are you intending to accommodate non-members? Or, does that matter? Also, I see that you have “Intro to Rubber Mold Making and Casting” at the same time. I know you have a lot of room, but I don’t know how much room that class needs.

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Are you sure you looked at October? I don’t see any mold making stuff happening at that time in October.

I think a tour group will swing by and be like “dang this looks nice” I’m not sure how many on a guided tour will break from the tour to steal a plate of chips. But if they are that hungry I say we welcome with open arms. I’m not worried. I think it’s important to bring people together. Let’s get together.


And this will be in the hands on / interactive / blue floor classroom because of the space

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I can bring more of those “sushi chips” now that I know I am not the only one who finds them surprisingly tasty.

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I’m making liver pate with accoutrements!!!

I’ll stop by and get some cheeses, deli meats and bread for sandwiches

I created a bit of a sign up to try to help keep it a bit organized: