Date of meeting: 10/7/18
We have agreed to purchase one roller style rotary attachment.
We don’t intend to make our own attachments.
If people like the roller style, we’ll buy more of them.
Re-read notes from the last meeting with approvals for the rotary -
Roller rotary from cloud ray.
Possible: get quotes from other vendors.
We should make a pre-flight check list beyond what is on the desktop.
Replacing the bed was approved several meetings ago. There are concerns that the bed may be the new version with pins, but we can saw the pins off if needed.
We will replace beds on Big Thunder and Blitzen.
John G will act as our purchasing agent. Andrew will discuss with Thunder china on parts necessary (bed) and talk to John about what we need.
If we are going to buy a new machine - what does everyone think?
new Thunder 51 or larger Epilog (same brand as the Zing). (Thunder would be larger, Epilog would be Thunder 36 sized)
Thunder is a known quantity, the larger Epilog would be higher quality.
Andrew will get quotes for both laser options so we can discuss at the next meeting.
A 3 month or higher lead time for ordering Lasers was discussed as well as pulling and looking at usage data on the current lasers to help guide the decision
Andrew will also get a quote for a HEPA Filter for the Zing laser.
We are working on a new RFID Scan-In system for the lasers:
We will have a new computer screen on each laser. To start with - it will be a dumb timer which shows a 3 hour timer. See wiki for instructions on the 3 hour limit.
Proposal: We will organize the consumables and tools a little more.
Andrew will get a smaller toolbox for lenses and such to separate them and have a place for “dirty/broken” equipment.
consider getting complete drop in replacement parts for things for stuff that can be easily replaced.
Maintenance needs - during the winter season, we may need additional maintenance. Suggested Thursday night maintenance. From now until middle of January.
Stephanie will create signage. First mid-cycle maintenance is 10/18/18
How to we handle user issues - like Blitzen’s head crash and fire issues which killed a lens.
Try a flexible air-arm to blow the air sideways.
We will try this - who will do it?
Blitzen is sometimes slightly out of round when making a circle. The drive shaft on the back the right handed cog became loose and is a pressure fit piece and it has been locktited back together. There may have been another head crash. Donner and Blitzen are under warranty and we could look into fixing it.
Who will look into warranty?
PR mentions that laser’s wiki comes off as the 10 commandments of laser. How can make it softer?
Stephanie will remove the all-caps. Revisit in a special meeting.
(Thanks to @evanfort for the bulk of these notes.)