CA meeting is happening this week and I’m going to do my best with posting everything early for all to see. I believe with the expansion coming early communication is in everyones best interest. If you have a vested interest in the happenings we will see you on Wednesday night.
“Pre-meeting notes”
Just a quick FYI about the October meeting (October 11th at 7pm in the CA room). Lots to talk about so I hope everyone gets a chance to come.
Big things include voting on the width of the printer, floor loom, framing equipment, sticker machine, brainstorming the digital room and looking at spending during the expansion.
Here is the current agenda about the meeting -anything in yellow is personal notes for me in the meeting - please note it might change but largely it’s almost done.
Here’s the powerpoint that should be able to answer some questions with visuals:
Things that have happened this month:
Made a trifold and ordered some business cards to give away
Polled the community for input about the printer (scroll down the the bottom for all the results)
Printer.xlsx (14.2 KB)
Here is the report on CA spending in September (for October meeting):
Month End Report October 1 2018.xlsx (111.3 KB)
Here’s notes on my own card for CA:
CA money.xlsx (10.6 KB)
And I know some of you might think this is overkill but entering into the expansion I want to make sure CA is as transparent as possible with our mission and objectives in the move.