Loaded up a bisque kiln yesterday. It’s currently at about 500F, so it’ll be tomorrow before it’s unloaded.
Got almost all things in. There was one mug (out of several) that felt a bit damp, so it didn’t get in.
There was one lump of clay sitting on the shelf like someone expected it to be fired. I’m going to put a note on it to see if they really wanted it fired, or they just forgot to toss it in the recycle bucket.
Loaded the glaze just now. I’ve realized we probably need some taller stilts. I got 3 of the 4 big pieces that you had sitting on the side. I didn’t get the lidded bowl in. I did get the one with a glaze tray that was sitting on the shelf.
I also didn’t get a couple of the larger KK pieces in.
I’ll unload Friday or Saturday and post here when pieces are available.
This’ll be part of our upcoming Strategic Planning post+meeting, but I wanted to go ahead and say thank you to @dryad2b for being the awesome point person for the Fired Arts community firing team. The ultimate goal is to have 1-2 more people to cover this type of situation and to reduce the load upon any one person. If you have experience with kiln firing and are interested in being part of the team, please contact me. Also, please be patient and potentially understanding about training, shadowing and community approval. It is very hard for people to trust others with their work and we want folks to feel comfortable and confidant in their firing team!
All 3 of the items on the roll cart of mine are ready for bisque fire. Please use the cotton to support the teapot under the handle. It’s mid fire, to 6.
Per our conversatuion the other day, I’m wondering if the kiln has hot and cool spots. If the cotton gets to hot it could deteriorate and turn to a type of silica dust. Tell me what time you will be unloading (when you know) I would like to unload it.
If it turns to dust, as in all dust, should not be breathed or blown on. It will not hurt the kiln. We won’t know until it’s unloaded if it fired over 6.
I’m tagging Beth for this one, she’ll be loading/unloading this week (I have a travel commitment). If you want to run cones, I believe there are at least regular 04s on the shelf and I have self supporting 5,6,7 in my bin in the galley (left hand side). If timing doesn’t work out, we can definitely run them the following week. Overall kiln maintenance will also be scheduled at the Oct. 30th meeting (which I’ll be posting about shortly). It needs a good vacuuming and several of the shelves need grinding down.
Edit: I’m really excited to see how the cotton works out!
4 things didn’t make it, in spite of my mad tetris skills… @meanbaby’s ruffled jar, the smaller of the 2 pendant racks (the big one did make it), and one of the flat items.