NWS Skywarn Spotter Training for Everyone

The National Weather Service runs a series of fascinating spotter training classes early every year which is required for spotters and other positions but is available free to the public. I am no longer active in the Richardson RACES organization but I enjoy catching the training session every couple of years. It is under two hours and held in-person and virtual. Much of the class is based on understanding and being able to report dangerous conditions including tornados. The class evolves every year as meteorologists have better radar and other tools and learn better techniques of prediction.
Brady. W5LH


I too cannot recommend this training enough. You leave with enough information to help spot weather for the benefit of others. Spotters help the NWS report major events. This benefits everyone. Those hail reports you submitted? They make the insurance process easier. Reported wind damage? The same.

73’s KJ4OLW


As I started to bump this up, I realized that I had not provided a link, so here it is. Note that there are three virtual sessions during the next month and then it’s over for the year.


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