So I started a print on my printer using OctoPi. Later when I came home, this is what I saw (attached). The printer was printing along if if nothing was wrong - except filament wasn’t being extruded.
The filament had broken (or got chewed up) by the dual-gear extruder.
The Boudin Tube appears to have filament in it which makes sense.
The extruder gears were both turning properly, so I don’t think it is a slipping extruder gear.
My questions: What caused the failure? What steps should I take to diagnose the situation?
My thoughts are: 1) Turn on the heat, make sure the nozzle is heating properly.
2) Disconnect Boudin Tube and remove remnant. Insert new filament and see if printer works.
Is there anything else I should do before Step 1 and before Step 2?
I have a Cr-10 MAx, which has the same extruder and what looks like your cr-10s pro.
Remove the nozzle(heat it up first and use pliers for hold the heater block).
Take a very thin Allen key and after removing the Bowden tube from the hotend, same it down through.
A jam at the hotend is the most likely reason the bondtech gears can’t push straight through.
I’ll replace the nozzle tomorrow when I come up for my bi weekly office hours, looks like you on one of the regular printers do you should not have any issues with another printer
Also check to make sure the filament isn’t tangled on the spool. I had that happen once where the feed stopped because the filament was trapped under another loop on the spool.