Again - not here at Dms.
Everyone is ok but everything is not ok. This is a school in my district (Lewisville ISD). It’s a wonderful tech school.
Again - not here at Dms.
Everyone is ok but everything is not ok. This is a school in my district (Lewisville ISD). It’s a wonderful tech school.
that reminds me, I need to vacuum my sawdust collection at the home shop…
Link didn’t really have much to say on the actual cause (i.e. the ignition). It would be interesting, maybe even helpful, to know if that ever becomes known.
I heard what the kids were talking about (one school away) but I’m not going to post it publicly as it might not be true.
I’ll let you know if I hear anything come down from the top of the pipeline.
It’s ok, we’ll wait for you to create a secret alt-account…
Isn’t that the “Nada Biznach” account?
I’m happy that everyone is ok. Sad that vocational ed takes a hit like that.
Now THAT’S a sawdust collection system!
Don’t let it suck up that cigarette you’re trying to hide…
Seems this is another vote against external dust collection and a vote for our internal solution with automatic fire suppression!
Wouldn’t any large dust collection system have fire suppression?
I’d think explosion would be the bigger issue though… after the Boom, fire suppression might not be able to do much to help you.
I’d much rather the explosion be outside the wall though than in the woodshop with me.
Joe Davis is the teacher and I think it would be fantastic to reach out to him to discuss what happened - he’s been teaching for quite some time and has an unbelievable program and a wealth of knowledge. I don’t think today is quite the day to reach out - probably having himself a solid stress cry right about now.
Obscure fact of the moment -cabinets from that woodworking program at Dale Jackson are installed at the white house.
davisjl at lisd dot net if you’re interested in getting in touch.
Is sawdust prone to exploding? I wouldn’t think it would be fine enough or mixed sparsely enough to have that sort of burn rate. I’ve seen flour explosions, but my understanding is that it has to be pretty well aerosolized. I wouldn’t sawdust to have the physical properties to make more than a thump and maybe toss a seal in a dust collection system.
In my HS I don’t know how many smoked in the paint booth … when teacher came they just tossed them up to be sucked out. LOL I guess it was more of Smoke House than a paint booth.
Smoking is SOOOOO yesterday. We vape now. Duuuuuhhhhh
Actually smoking is on the major decline - fell out of fashion.
Young Lady*, I am so yesterday. When I was kid and dinosaurs roamed freely, “Vaping” was a fresh mimeograph the teacher (faux-dealer) handed out that you held over your face and hyperventilated.
It had to be safe … the teacher gave it to us! Despite her yelling at us to stop doing it.
*Anyone a generation behind me is young
In short: yes. Extremely prone to explosions.
Updates are out and can be read here:
Slightly off topic - I’ve seen video lately of people doing smething to trees with a backhoe. Tree dumps vast amounts of pollen at once.
Wondering if that constitutes a fuel air explosive, and if it would kill the stupid evil mountain cedar tree if one provided a suitable source of ignition. ( asking for a friend, of course. )
@Azalaket & @dallasmagna I believe the dust collection unit DMS is getting has an fire internal fire suppression built into it, apparently the school’s didn’t. Also surprised there wasn’t a backdraft shutter (right term?) in the duct work. If it is feasible, maybe not due to clogging issues, but if possible could it be installed on our system? Seems like a small cost if possible and could help contain fire and prevent water damage.
Not an expert on these matters, just a question.