Not Excellent: Dremel left on outside workbench in rain

About 8:15pm on Wed, Jan 6th, I found the pictured Dremel tool sitting on the outside workbench. The tool was still live/plugged-in via a red drop-cord running under the dock door. Light rain was beginning to fall and the tool was fairly wet already. I unplugged it and moved it back inside near the dock.

Whoever was using this tool needs to clean it up, verify that it was not damaged, and put it back where they got it. If it is damaged, a ticket should be filed in the help system, and, IMO, the offender should pay to have it repaired. This is not “normal wear and tear”.

Please do not abuse the tools. Put them back when you are done to avoid 1) expensive damage, and 2) electrocution hazards when using them outside and it rains on them.


I think we need to make a few of these to deal with miscreants.


Very boo, where do I sign up for the stocks project?