North Texas Giving Day is September 20th

Dallas Makerspace is participating in NTGD.

When we did it 2 years ago we had donations and matching funds of $5,000.

That is amazing!

NTGD means a donation on that day will have a Foundation match part of the money given. I have not been told the amount of matching funds this year, I think it varies from year to year and by the total amount of donations.

Here is the link.

ALSO. If you work for a large company, many times they will match all or part of your donation.

Donation of $100
Corporation match of $100
Foundation grant of $25
Total donation $225

Your part of the donation is tax deductible.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

If you donate money. Please consider doing so on September 20th though North Texas Giving Day.

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Today is North Texas Giving Day. If you can donate today. Foundations will match part of your donation. The matching funds increase your total donation.

If you ever donate to DMS, today is a good day.

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