Next PR Meeting: Social media and Advertising

@Diplomat Steve, throwing this out discussion

For the next PR meeting suggest the focus be on PR for getting awareness and the word out about DMS.

  • Methods: FB/social media, Meet-Up, Craig’s List, etc.
  • Message for each of these, develop media/advertising copy. Can have several we rotate.
  • Personally would like to have a tri-folds printed for tours that speaks generally about DMS, but also specifically about training and how it might take a while to get a class. This is different than New Member handbook. Might even consider a follow-up email with a larger PDF that has more about specific committees, links to various things, etc.
  • Target specific various groups, Identify them
  • Are there any special groups that help DMS, e.g. Active retirees (primarily daytime members.
  • And ???