Its cool in a William Gibson kind of way but I’d worry more about things at home than aboard:
God…this makes me shudder
China is slow. The US did this several years ago. The FBI has been entering agreements with States to provide all their drivers license photos into the FBI’s face recognition database. I think only one or two states are holdouts at this point. Texas isn’t one of them.
Hell, 1984 was twenty-three years ago. You are being watched in practically everything you do now, and you have no privacy at all from the government. None.
Because when combined with the financial ability of government agencies (or large corporations) and big data techniques it allows for some amazingly disturbinging extraction of personal information.
I have mentioned this before, but I have used (as a consultant for local governments) data obtained from cell phone companies that provided information (gps traces) for nearly every cell phone user in the city. On a per user basis, we were able to determine how many trips they made each day, where those trips were made, and infer what the purpose of those trips were for.
Or large corporations.
As a youth, I held our government in strict contempt for the damage I thought they could (and likely someday would) do to our liberties with the data they would gather.
As a young man, I held that same contempt, but realized they will BUY the data from the companies, who will sell to the highest bidder (i.e. there are even worse governments out there than ours).
And now, I continue the contempt of our government for the damage I think they are doing, but hold the US Citizen in higher contempt because we are CLAMORING for it to happen, while simultaneously voraciously force-feeding the very corporations who will construct and sell our demise…
Which reminds me, gotta Google a map to get to lunch…
That horse has left the barn, been rendered into glue and used to assemble fine furniture.
Many of you have encountered Border Patrol checkpoints along highways somewhat near the Southern Border. Sometime earlier in this decade, I was motoring westbound on Interstate 8 toward San Diego. Just to the west of Ocotillo, the eastbound side had to stop at such a checkpoint. But on the westbound side stretch, there was a section with a number of bright lights pointed toward oncoming traffic. I asked some people about this and also searched online. What I discovered was a program to capture images of traffic and identify people based both on the license plate and facial recognition.
Private companies such as Facebook have perfected facial recognition. Supposedly, if someone you know posted your picture and tagged it with your name, you are in the database, even if you do not have a Facebook account tracking ID.
I credit Google, but, yeah. Exactly.
Frighteningly apropos imagery…
Pretty sure we’re all in multiple databases, no exceptions.
I’d say let’s just build a wall and make it out of lasers then have dinos patrol on lasers with proton laser guns on thier heads.
We’ll make china pay for it.