New tilting table for bridgeport and Haas

Good news everyone! No need to hold the Bridgeport at an angle anymore :grin:
Our tilt table came in today which will allow us to cut stuff an up to +/- 45 degrees. it is also usable on the HAAS although we have to figure out how to mount it to the fixture table. Now the warnings:
DANGER!! DANGER!!, Will Robinson - This sucker is heavy. it is 85 lbs. You may think you’re Magilla Gorilla but do NOT try to move/mount this by yourself. It will be put onto a hydraulic cart but for now it is on the blue table ('cause it’s heavy and I’m by myself!). BTW - it uses a standard 7/8" wrench to loosen and tighten the table. look for more news soon.


For use on the Haas we should probably get a steel plate that has a pattern that allows it to be bolted the Haas Table.

I think there is a piece in the Teachers cabinet, that already has slots. We might have to drill and install a couple of studs into it so the tilt table can be mounted on it.

This piece of tooling will be great for milling chamfers, bevels, or drilling holes at an angles. This is the Big Brother to the small tilt table used on the Sherlines. If you are working with a smaller piece of material, the Sherline Tilt Table can be bolted on to this and compound angles can be achieved.