I have obtained a donation of new switches for the new Metal Lathe. The switches are setting on top of the Lathe. Hopefully someone has a wiring diagram and can get these installed. The main power switch is of a push-pull type so that in an emergency it can easily be pushed to stop the machine.
E-Stop? We don’t need no stinkin E-stop.
Rich thanks a lot.
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Wow! Those look really great! Thanks much Rich - you’re always so generous with both your time and also “goodies” that you donate to us.
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I’ve got a spare pair of hands and would be glad to help install, definitely not qualified to do it myself though
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There is also a small cardboard box on the table next to the Lathe that has more switches like these, just in case you need any replacement parts. A lot of the parts are interchangeable in this series of switches.
oooo shiny.
thank you Rich!
Thanks for being such an excellent member!.
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