New/Sharp 10” saw blades for the delta

Can anyone point this newbie toward where new or sharp saw blades are? I don’t recall their location in the 101
Class, but the delta saw blade was Burnt out today and all I could find was a drawer of what looked like used/dead blades.

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Maybe on order possibly? About as new as you so if they aren’t in the big rolling container in the shop you will have to try and get a hold of @Team_Woodshop to get them in I believe

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drawers underneath the mitre saw; I donated one fairly recently since I had opened it for use and don’t have a saw at home. It was a finer tooth count than the average cut since I was using it for plastics, but it’s a multi-material blade.



You can also buy 7" blades that are normally used on skilsaw style hand held saws. Very often during Father’s day and Christmas sales you can get 2 packs for $20 of high tooth count blades from Diablo, etc. Bonus that they’re very thin kerf as well.|G|Base|D25T|25-7_POWER+TOOL+ACCESSORIES|NA|PLA|71700000034127227|58700003933021549|92700031755124874&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIgsHagq7J2wIVhABpCh05twN8EAQYAiABEgJfUvD_BwE&dclid=CNar3oWuydsCFU-JaQodzvkMaA


There should be freshly sharpened blades in the drawer under the miter saw or under the table outside the shop. Be careful with purchasing your own blades. The riving knives on both table saws are for full kerf blades (1/8”). Thin kerf options can pinch and cause kickback either the full kerf riving knife. If you want to use your own thin kerf blade, please be sure to get the appropriate riving knife and use them together.


Thanks Jim and Andrew. I did eventually find that drawer but all the blades in there looked well used so I assumed that’s where the used “to be sharpened” ones went. I appreciate everyone chiming in!

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Andrew, do you know if the “Delta 78-965 Biesemeyer Thin Kerf Riving Knife” is the correct model for the thin kerf riving knife we would need for the Delta tablesaw? I bought some thin kerf blades and want to ensure I can use them efficiently. I am looking at the link on amazon: Delta 78-965 Biesemeyer Thin Kerfs Riving Knife - Table Saw Accessories -

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Great point on the riving knife thickness. I remember it at the time when I’m using my blades, but don’t think of it in general conversations…

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I think that should work. Usually all thin kerf knives are 3/32" vs the full kerf at 1/8" The link above didn’t specify dimensions, but by saying “Thin Kerf” I think it will be fine.