Live now!
Thanks to whoeever had the idea, it’s been so long I forgot!
It’s pretty great. Thank you!
Thanks to whoever implemented it!
Curious, if there is a cancellation will it the “FULL” disappear? Not complaining, asking, this is still a grat incremental improvement. But I assume it is doing soem check.
Yeah, if the “Register for this Event” link is green and active on the next page, it will not show the “FULL” status, it should also be instantaneous. So any cancellations, additional free spots, etc should work correctly.
This is an awesome feature. Thanks much!
Edit: this really is an awesome improvement … this is especially great for people looking for Wood Shop Basics classes.
I like it. I like it. I like it.
(that should be 20 chars).
Now if I could only double like it.
Omg so fantastic. Much like. Very helpful
THANK YOU!! Have long hoped this could be a feature
What a great improvement!! Thanks to both whoever thought of it and whoever made the change.
One word. Awesome! It was a real pain to click through a class only to find out that it was full.
I’m loving this feature.
Question, now that the details are worked out how to have it show Full in the listing, would it be much work to have it do similar in the list of Hosting events?
For example, I’ve got five classes active right now, spread once a week so scrolling on main menu is a pain to check status, but from the Hosting screen, it doesn’t show that Full status. Instead, I needed to click through and go into each one to see the status. It’d be super convenient if it also showed Full status on the Hosting screen like it does on the main calendar listing.
Soooo…a wishlist item for your copious spare time. But maybe easier since its worked out similar elsewhere?
Thanks for everything you’re doing for the calendar tweaks
Looks like there’s a bug when a class is full but event registration is over, it shows as not full. Thought about sneaking into the laser class tomorrow before I clicked through to it