New Raspberry Pi's in 3D?

Over a month ago, Infrastructure purchased 8 new Raspberry Pi 3B+'s with new fast microSD cards, new cases, and new 5.1v 2.5A power supplies to upgrade and homogenize the 3D lab system.

What is the hold up on getting those installed?

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Any idea where these are ?

They used to be in the locked cabinet in 3D. I saw them out on the table not long ago and moved them to the server room so they wouldn’t grow legs.

Glad we have them locked away safely

we voted tom use these for the new octopuppet system to be installed after the expansion move

There is one “excess” Pi in 3D Fab. It was originally managing the Rostock printer. With the new firmware that printer works better without it. I believe it has a purple case. It’s on the table between the monitor and the printer.